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EngTech Visionary 2017: HUGH WOTHERSPOON

Hugh Wotherspoon IEng MIMechEjoined the Royal Electrical Mechanical Engineers (REME) aged 17. He wanted to serve in the British Army while simultaneously gaining professional engineering experience, and became an Incorporated Engineer (IEng) with the Institution in 2011.

His primary responsibilities are providing engineering assurance, inspector refresher training and technical direction on behalf of 51st Infantry Brigade & Headquarters Scotland.

He puts great energy into promoting professional registration within the REME in Scotland, liaising with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (and other professional engineering institutions) to promote greater involvement of the armed forces in the Institution’s regional events and with the committees.

Hugh says he is proud to encourage professional registration within the REME and finds ways to make the process more available to fellow soldiers based in Scotland:
“The ability to assist these colleagues to attain professional registration as EngTech and IEng, and act as a signpost towards CEng accreditation is a genuine privilege.”

In support of an armed forces and industry networking event held in Glasgow he encouraged young soldiers from as far away as Inverness to attend and it was felt that the event was a success largely because of his efforts. Hugh said:
“When I attained IEng status in 2011 I was fortunate to establish good communications with Shaun Flanigan who, as well as being an ambassador for the Institution, is held in high regard by many REME personnel who underwent the Potential Artificer process. With his support we convened events in Scotland and enabled a number of REME soldiers to gain professional registration.”

It is an area that continues to develop within the REME, presently having over 100 quality tradesmen and women in 51 Brigade.
Hugh applied to become a professional review interviewer (PRI) when he noticed there was a call for volunteers to undertake the role. He has become the first armed forces interviewer in Scotland and hopes that others will join him.

Hugh said: “With a large REME footprint in Scotland I felt that it would be worthwhile to assist our personnel in the Region by acting as a panel member and to provide an IEng interface for the REME north of the border.”

Hugh is an invaluable Brigade and Regional focal point for professional engineering and registration. He attends events, acts as the conduit for disseminating information and helps with the recruitment and registration of soldiers and officers up to the rank of Captain. He assisted with the development of a regional database of military personnel, to record their engineering status (EngTech through to CEng) and ensure this is available to 1(UK) Division and the REME Corps HQ.

Saying he was delighted to be the recipient of the EngTech Visionary Award 2017, Hugh added:
“I wanted to improve my professional development opportunities both within the Army and in the wider engineering community. My career has been full of excellent opportunities over the past 23 years with the chance to serve in many countries across the world. Since becoming professionally registered, and under the guidance of Major Dougy Wilson, who I currently work for in Stirling, the rewards have been numerous. The EngTech Visionary award is an outstanding honour for carrying out an enjoyable role.”

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