BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:PUBLISBEGIN:VEDERDERPYEDERNETTERNEVTERNEVTYTERTERTERNNNEVETTERTERSEGEUCEUCAGEGEDERCLECNNDERTERSDERTERNDERTERNNNDERTERTERLAY协和G-BOAC(后称squoh;AlphaCharlie’bsqlsquadisiged英国与France/n/h;Concorde001于1969/n Concorde于1976年1月21日入商服务;British航空公司与Concorde G-BOAA/n/specially开发白漆以适应这些变化并反调超声波飞行cordeqrsquomanbetx体育注册that&rsquo\;s more than 11 miles above the surface of the Earth\n Concorde could accelerate from 0-225 mph in 30 seconds and could travel faster than speed the earth rotates\n More tha n 2.5 million people travelled on Concorde\n The first transatlantic fl ight to New York was on 22 November 1977\n\nThanks to the Greater Manchest er Young Members' Committee\, this amazing opportunity to enjoy a Technica l Tour of Concorde has a reduced price from £\;21.50 per person\, to only £\;15 for current IMechE members.\n\nThere are places for 20 peo ple\, \;so get in touch as soon as possible.manbetx体育注册\nNOTE:只有订入者才能利用大约500米后左转Sunbank巷T枢纽右转威尔姆斯洛老路并沿路访问者公园门.\\;\nBytrain:\;Manchester机场站距离Park小3里200总线目前运行时服务准确时间请联系Tristeine 8712002233Alternativel y we are a short taxi ride away.\nPARKING CHARGES\n\n Car and motorbike parking charges are as follows: £\;3 up to 1 hour\, £\;6 up to 2 hours\, £\;9 up to 3 hours and £\;12 for all stays over 3 hour s.\n Coach parking is charged at a flat rate of £\;12.\n Parkin g is free for all conference delegates.\n Parking charges are included in the price of all aircraft tours.\n There is free admission to Runway Visitor Park for visitors arriving by public transport\, on foot or by bi cycle (not motorbike).\n\n \;\n \;\n \;\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20150418T130000 DTSTAMP:20240106T054518Z DTSTART:20150418T110000 LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Concorde Technical Tour UID:853fdba4-7de1-4876-a909-6b3f04fb4834 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR