开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Engineering and its impact on biomedical resea rch at nano-scale\n\nEvent Type: Talk\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical engin eering\n\nSpeak Details: Dr Guido Hermann is an accomplished control engin eer with extensive experience in the development and implementation of nov el control schemes. His research interests are in the area of nonlinear an d linear robust control\, focused towards the development of novel theoret ical methods.\n\nDescription : Observing the dynamic behaviour and interac tions of single biomolecules is a long-standing \;goal to facilitate bio-medical research including cancer research\, the analysis of peptides as building block of proteins (e.g. in bacteria or viruses) or synthetic b iology. However\, the low forces and fast timescales of the fundamental in ter-molecular events of interest generally lie far outside the operational range of commercial Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM).\n\nBristol&rsquo\;s V ertically Oriented Probe (VOP) micro-scope represents a breakthrough in bo th AFM instrumentation and the study of biomolecules\, and can overcome th e disadvantages of AFM. \;The development of a novel high-speed versio n of the \;VOP micro-scope is currently being carried out by the Mecha nical Engineering and the Physics Departments of the University of Bristol together with the University of Exeter. This talk will detail some of the novel engineering approaches for this ground-breaking micro-scope.\n\nCon tact Details: Rhodri Watkins CEng MIMechE\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20150311T200000 DTSTAMP:20230322T015052Z DTSTART:20150311T190000 LOCATION:Small Lecture Theatre Rm 1.15 - Bristol University\, Queens Buildi ng\, University of Bristol\, University Walk\, Bristol\, BS8 1TR\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Engineering and its impact on biomedical research at nano-scale UID:32506202-9337-47a6-9201-0a22b4a81c57 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR