开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - HUNTER KILLERS: From Hitler's Fall to Putin's Rise\n\nEvent Type: Talk\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details : Iain Ballantyne wrote the ground breaking factual thriller 'Hunter Kille rs' and several other naval history books\, including 'Killing the Bismarc k'. Mike Homer CEng FIMechE is Managing Director of Submarines for Babcock at Devonport Royal Dockyard. Cdr Rob Forsyth RN is a retired submarine ca ptain.\n\nDescription : \n\nLAUNCH OF NEW COMMITTEE BRANCH IN EXETER\n\n\n \n\nThe Devon and Cornwall Area Committee has \;ambitious plans to exp and its activities across the region. Join us for \;the launch of our& nbsp\;new Exeter branch.\nTo mark the occasion\, we have organised an even t that charts the \;development of the most complicated piece of engin eering equipment on the planet: the nuclear-powered submarine.\nAfterwards \, there will be an opportunity to enjoy a drink with our speakers\, do a spot of casual networking\, and find out more about the IMechE in Devon an d Cornwall.\n \;\nMore Information:\n \;\n\n Hunter Killers Pos ter\n\n\n Hunter Killers Flyer\n\n\n Hunter Killers Press Release\n\ n \;\n\n Hunter Killers Book (Amazon)\n\n\n Hunter Killers Book (Orion Publishers)\n\n \;\n\n\n \;\nThis event is FREE and open to the general public: click BOOK NOW above\n \;\n\n\n \;\nHUNTER KI LLERS\nFROM HITLER&rsquo\;S FALL TO PUTIN&rsquo\;S RISE\n\n\n\n Iain Ba llantyne\,\n author of the factual Cold War thriller 'Hunter Killers'\, looks at how the\n post-WW2 face-off beneath the waves required both s ides to initially adapt Nazi\n submarine technology. He also explains h ow a white-hot submarine arms race\n drove them to enter a dangerous ga me of nuclear cat-and-mouse where a single\n mistake could have spelled catastrophe. Finally\, he will\n discuss how a resurgent Russia is onc e more sending its submarines out to\n confront the West and a new unde rsea rivalry is simultaneously springing up in\n the Asia-Pacific.\n\nI ain \;is also the founding and current editor of the leading global na val news magazine WARSHIPS International Fleet Review\n\n\n Mike Homer\ ,\n Managing Director of Submarines for Babcock Marine and Technology e xplains how the world&rsquo\;s most complicated machines are\n maintain ed at HMNB Devonport in Plymouth and how the safe operation of a\n nucl ear licensed site within 200 metres of the general population presents som e\n unique challenges.\n\n\n\n\n Retired Royal\n Navy submarine c aptain\, \;Commander Rob Forsyth will answer questions \;about his experiences on board Britain&rsquo\;s \;nuclear powered boats. \; He was a Teacher of the prestigious 'Perisher' submarine command course a nd he brought HMS Sceptre from build into service. \; Upon leaving the Navy\, he became a director of Westland Group plc.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nContact D etails: DTEND:20150311T210000 DTSTAMP:20230820T005611Z DTSTART:20150311T183000 LOCATION:Exeter Phoenix\, Bradninch Place\, Gandy Street\, EXETER\, EX4 3LS \, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:HUNTER KILLERS: From Hitler's Fall to Putin's Rise UID:a9e54966-7326-43d8-a1c9-8a91d2bc2c4e END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR