开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - MEDIC Lecture and Tour\n\nEvent Type: Technica l Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical engineering\n\nSpeak Details: The evening is hosted by CIT’s Medical Engineering Design and Innovation Cent re (MEDIC). Medic is a Based in the CREATE building on Cork Institute of T echnology’s Bishopstown Campus\, and specialises in the discovery and des ign of medical devices. \n\n\n\nDescription : The Medical Engineering Desi gn and Innovation Centre (MEDIC) at CIT brings together the full set of sk ills required to develop medical devices including an extensive network of clinicians\, inventors\, and industry partners. Ideas are taken from the initial concept/idea stage through to regulatory approval and commercialis ation via a strictly defined product development process (PDP). MEDIC has its own full-time Quality Assurance and Regulatory specialist and its QMS is certified to ISO13485 for design control. Starting at 7pm. delegates wi ll be introduced to MEDIC and its product development process\, with two e xamples of products developed within the centre (including an ENT product which is the subject of CIT start up AventaMed). The evening will conclude with a tour of the Centre&rsquo\;s facilities. MEDIC has state of the art facilities for 3D printing\, precision measurement (CMM) and axial and bi -axial testing (including torsion). These facilities\, plus the centre&rsq uo\;s design and prototyping capabilities are available as a service to in dustry. \nIt is essential to book in for this event. Please use either the IMechE booking system\, or the Engineers Ireland Booking process\n\n7:00 pm Introduction To MEDIC&rsquo\;s Product Development Process and QMS &nda sh\; Daithí\; Fallon Centre Head\, Gayle Lucey QA/RA specialist \;\n \; \n\n7:20 Tympanostomy Tube Applicator\; Design\, Development a nd Commercialisation - John Vaughan\, MEDIC Engineer and CTO AventaMed\n&n bsp\; \;\n7:40 Symmetric Lung Ventilation Device\, John Harrison \ ;\n \; \n8:00 Tour of facilities\, including 3D printing\, CMM\, Testi ng and Prototyping.\nThe evening is hosted by CIT&rsquo\;s Medical Enginee ring Design and Innovation Centre (MEDIC). MEDIC is Based in the CREATE bu ilding on Cork Institute of Technology&rsquo\;s Bishopstown Campus\, and s pecialises in the discovery and design of medical devices.\n \;\n&nbs p\;\n\nContact Details: Matt Cotterell\nAddress: Ireland.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Dillon\nAddress: Dept of Mechanical Engineering\, TU Dublin\ , \, Tallaght Campus\, Tallaght\, D24 FKT9\, Ireland. DTEND:20150430T210000 DTSTAMP:20230627T070059Z DTSTART:20150430T190000 LOCATION:Medic-Create Building\, Cork Institute of Technology\, Rossa Avenu e\, Bishopstown Campus\, Cork\, Co Cork\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:MEDIC Lecture and Tour UID:46b90413-0015-4f25-bb18-89b7b94511a1 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR