开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布BEGIN:VEVENT描述:在你身边的活动-有趣的工程-启发下一代活动类型:谈话\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n发言详细信息:Caroline Alliston\, CEng FIMechE\ n7 -14岁孩子的有趣实用设计和建造项目的“技术乐趣”b书籍的作者。manbetx体育注册\n\nDes备注:在非常成功的活动之后:&lsquo\;工程为富n -启发下一代&rsquo\;2015年1月。我们将在9月份举办一个类似的活动,包括模型构建会议\、演讲和签售会。\n\n卡罗琳·阿利斯顿\,&lsquo\;Technology for Fun& rsquo\;有趣的实用的设计和建造项目的书籍7-14年的学生,谈论如何\nshe从工业工作改变到激励下一代工程师。将会有很多工作模型供你摆弄,或者制作,然后带走。欢迎朋友、家人和ST EM大使。\n\n时间与平时略有不同:下午6:30开始复习。\ n下午6:30至7:20 -孩子(和成人)有机会尝试一些模型制作。\n7:20pm至8:15pm -谈话后提问和回答。\n8点15分至8点30分-签售\n\n点击这里\;下载活动海报\,请在工作地点展示。\n\n\nBOOK ING是此活动的必要条件:\n\n\n请使用本页上的“立即预订”链接或“发送消息”链接预订此活动。来自预订系统的信息并不意味着你有一个地方-你需要组织者的电子邮件确认。\n\nWhen\nbooking\, please provide names of all guests in your booking\, and the\nages of any children that you are bo oking for. \; We ask for ages 8 and\nover. \; Children will need t o sit quietly for the hour of the talk and\nquestions.\n\n\n\n\nPlease see the \;Technology for Fun web site\, and Facebook page.\n\nThe January event was promoted in the Business and Professional Supplement to\nthe No vember Edition of Cotswold Life. \; Read the article by clicking\nthe thumbnail image below:\n\n\n\nSince the January Event\, Caroline supported the IMechE at Cheltenham Science Festival\, read about it here.\n\nAnd Ca roline is a joint recipient of the 2015 Alastair Graham Bryce Award - see this news story. \n\n\n\nThe picture below shows project "Motorbike" from Book 2\, including two\nAA batteries\, a motor with worm gear and CDs for wheels. \; (The poster\nlink above shows another project.)\n\n\n\n\nCo ntact Details: DTEND:20150923T203000 DTSTAMP:20230322T042839Z DTSTART:20150923T183000 LOCATION:Safran Landing Systems - Gloucester\, Cheltenham Road East\, Glouc ester\, (Entrance off Down Hatherley Lane)\, GL2 9QH\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Engineering for Fun - Inspiring the Next Generation UID:30c25320-4558-46af-87d7-7e63579ba22c END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR