开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Tullamore Distillery Site Visit - Organising a Project in a Distillery\n\nEvent Type: Technical Visit\n\nIndustry Sector : Process Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Technical Tour \n\nDescription : Th is is a Joint Event with the with the Project Management Society \;and the Cork Region of Engineers Ireland \nThe Tullamore Distillery is the fi rst new distillery to be constructed on a greenfield site in Ireland in ov er 100 years. \; This site visit provides a unique opportunity to not only visit one of the finalists for 'Building Project of the Year' getting to tour the distillery and its operations but also is an opportunity to g et an insight into the construction phase of such a unique and challenging project. An understanding of the scale and complexity of such a project c an be seen from some of the statistics - 1\,200 specialist distillery engi neers and construction workers\, 2\,300 piles\, 250\,000 tonnes of peat an d soil moved\, 10\,000 metres of process pipework\, 100 process pumps\, 40 process tanks\, 150km of electrical cabling.\nAgenda for the visit\n\n\n Tour of the Brand Centre\n Presentation of Construction Phase\n L unch\n Distillery House and Tour\n Tour of additional facilities.\n\ n\nAdmission\n\nPlaces on this site visit are limited and advance booking is essential. Booking is through the Engineers Ireland Website \;Link to the Engineers Ireland Event Page\nCost of Visit: &euro\;10.00 including lunch. \nBus provided leaving Clyde Road at 9am\, leaving Tullamore at 4. 30pm.\n\nIn the event of sufficient bookings from other centres\, further transport may be provided.\nAttendees are asked to bring safety boots and high viz vests.\n\nContact Details: Gareth Lloyd\nAddress: Project Manage ment Society\, Engineers Ireland\, 22 Clyde Road\, Dublin 2\, Ireland.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Dillon\nAddress: Dept of Mechanical Engineering \, TU Dublin\, \, Tallaght Campus\, Tallaght\, D24 FKT9\, Ireland. DTEND:20150522T160000 DTSTAMP:20230627T085437Z DTSTART:20150522T110000 LOCATION:Engineers Ireland Headquarters\, 22 Clyde Road\, Ballsbridge\, Dub lin 4\, Dublin\, D04 R3N2\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Tullamore Distillery Site Visit - Organising a Project in a Distill ery UID:19039062-d53a-4677-a64a-685341431d55 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR