开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Life in a Nuclear Submarine\n\nEvent Type: Tal k\n\nIndustry Sector: Defence\n\nSpeak Details: Cliff joined the Royal Nav y as an Artificer Apprentice and rose to the rank of Commander.\nHis caree r lasted 32 years of which 24 were in nuclear submarines. He served in eve ry\nengineering position of a nuclear submarine.\n\nDescription : Nuclear submarines have the qualities of stealth\, endurance and flexibility that afford them an unparalleled freedom to operate worldwide and &ldquo\;Life in a Nuclear Submarine&rdquo\; is a not too-serious view of what life is l ike for the ship&rsquo\;s company in some of the UK&rsquo\;s most powerful weapons. A brief history of the nuclear submarine flotilla is followed by a look at the challenges of life in a 30ft diameter steel tube with one o r two illuminating anecdotes.\n\nPrior booking is mandatory. Please logon to book. Guests are welcome.\n\nContact Details: \n\n Alternative Contact: Roger Crook\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20150916T193000 DTSTAMP:20231022T193400Z DTSTART:20150916T173000 LOCATION:Cranfield University (Shrivenham)\, Defence Academy\, Shrivenham\, SWINDON\, SN6 8LA\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Life in a Nuclear Submarine UID:94b5a179-7205-41f7-b5ed-c1f377278065 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR