开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Railway Division SW Centre - Railway Division Chairman's Address\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Ra ilway\n\nSpeak Details: Chris Kinchin-Smith is an independent consultant a nd is Project Director for the rail industry’s Long Term Passenger Rolling Stock Strategy. \nHe joined British Rail in 1968 and progressed to senio r roles in fleet engineering\, strategic planning and general management.\ n\nDescription : \nThis year's Railway Division chairman is a familiar fac e to the South West Centre\, having been our chairman for the past three y ears.\nChris Kinchin-Smith is an independent consultant and Project Direct or for the Long Term Passenger Rolling Stock Strategy\, working for pan-in dustry group comprising vehicle owners\, train operators\, Network Rail an d the Rail Delivery Group. \nHe joined British Rail in 1968 and progressed to senior roles in fleet engineering\, strategic planning and general man agement. Chris was an Executive Director of the Strategic Rail Authority a nd has undertaken a wide variety of consultancy assignments in the UK and overseas.\nThroughout his career he has sought opportunities to drive long -term progressive change for the rail industry\, and benefits for customer s and stakeholders.\n\nChris's talk will examine why:\nas \;the railwa y continues to see challenges with transformation and capacity\, it is key to understand the opportunities and challenges presented by growth. \n&nb sp\;\nSpecific topics will include:\n \;\n\n The sources of growth in rail passenger demand in Britain\n The opportunities and challenges presented by this growth\n Examples of and lessons learned from the ach ievement of transformation of passenger rail transport in Britain\n The planning process for the period 2019 to 2024 (Control Period 6)\n Long term implications for rolling stock\, electrification\, other infrastruct ure and the supply chain\n The implications for the Institution\, regar ding the skills agenda\n\n \;\n \;\n \n \;\n\nContact Details: Mick James\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20150907T190000 DTSTAMP:20230820T005225Z DTSTART:20150907T170000 LOCATION:Rooms 5/6\, Western House - Swindon\, 1\, Holbrook Way\, Swindon\, Wiltshire\, SN1 1BD\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Railway Division SW Centre - Railway Division Chairman's Address UID:bd5b5d78-a828-41c6-ab24-99667bc61705 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR