开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IET SA Engineering Future: Cohda Wireless and Driverless Cars\n\nEvent Type: Technical Lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Autom obile\n\nSpeak Details: Fabien Cure the Chief Engineer from Cohda Wireless is the guest speaker.\n\nDescription : ET SA &\; NT Network would like to invite you to the following event organised by Ben Macey and Richard L u:\n\nThis is a free IET networking event for anyone to attend.\nWe are ve ry lucky to present Fabien Cure the Chief Engineer from Cohda Wireless as the guest speaker.\nCohda Wireless is a world leading technology company i nvolved in the emerging field of Cooerative Intelligent Transport Systems C-ITS.\nSome food and drink will be provided on the night.\n\nContact Deta ils: Stan Gafney\nAddress: Adelaide\, Australia. DTEND:20150910T200000 DTSTAMP:20231027T103207Z DTSTART:20150910T180000 LOCATION:The Elephant\, 1 Cinema Place\, Adelaide\, 5000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IET SA Engineering Future: Cohda Wireless and Driverless Cars UID:b2925d3b-4f3e-4630-a0fd-a1b75c15d8a3 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR