开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out For Engineering\n\nEvent Type: Compe tition Event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescri ption : Speak Out for Engineering offers individual entrants the opportuni ty to present an engineering project and compete for a cash prize of up to £\;300. \; It is also a great opportunity for you to share your experience and knowledge with other engineers in Switzerland. \; Peopl e who would like to attend as member of the audience are also welcome. If you would like to enter the competition or participate as part of the audi ence please contact us.\n\nThe competition is open only to registered IMec hE Members or Affiliate Members who have been with the IMechE for 10 or fe wer years (IMechE definition of "Young Member").\n\nThe poster for this ev ent\, with contact details\, is available here\n\nThe entrants' pack for t his event is available here\n\n\nContact Details: Szabolcs Szokol\nAddress : Switzerland. DTEND:20150924T190000 DTSTAMP:20230901T143427Z DTSTART:20150924T170000 LOCATION:GE - Baden\, Brown Boveri Strasse 7\, Baden\, 5400\, Switzerland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out For Engineering UID:0949947f-d8fc-45a9-b930-a0e53c2902f6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR