开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:靠近你的事件-工厂参观-格雷厄姆工程有限公司类型:技术访问\n\n行业部门:过程工业\n\n发言详细信息:Ian Bannister\,董事总经理\n\n描述:下载后事件报告\n\n下载事件海报\n\n格雷厄姆工程有限公司\,(GEL)是一家成立的\,45年的家族式拥有\,制造和制造公司。\;目前有180名员工,主要服务于核能和航空航天工业。\;核心业务集中于向塞拉菲尔德核再处理场供应高完整性不锈钢核产品和废物容器。这包括24种特定产品,目前只有GEL被授权向位于坎布里亚郡的世界上最大的核设施供应。\nG EL还向英国其他核退役管理局(NDA)站点提供合同,即\、Dounreay (DRSL)\、Harwell (RSRL)\、Trawsfy nydd和Hunterston站点。\;GEL最近与劳斯莱斯在当地的特伦特发动机制造工厂续签了3年合同。所在\;始终着眼于未来和客户的期望,GEL已投资超过200万英镑用于新建筑和安装10kW光纤激光焊接单元。 This latest upgrade in welding te chnology\, integrated with a 5 Te\, 9 Axis manipulator will enable GEL to offer improved quality\, welding efficiencies and enable diversification i nto other markets. \; Future skills are provided for by the use of an accredited apprentice scheme. \nCome and join the IMechE and GEL for a fac tory tour of the facilities and see the requirements of high integrity fab rication\, using state of the art equipment.\nComplimentary refreshments w ill be served from 19:00hrs\nLecture and tour will start at 19:30hrs\nThe visit is limited to 20 places\, to book a place\, please contact\, before the 4th November 2015: Harry Bainbridge on Email: harrybainbridge678@btint ernet.com \; \nYour place will be confirmed before the visit. \n\nTo c ontact NW secretary John Bartlett on Email: johnbartlett1947@hotmail.com\n \nContact Details: Harry Bainbridge DTEND:20151111T203000 DTSTAMP:20230211T062515Z DTSTART:20151111T190000 LOCATION:Graham Engineering Limited\, Whitewalls Industrial Estate\, Edward s Street\, Lancashire\, Nelson\, BB9 8SY\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Factory Tour - Graham Engineering Limited UID:f19e381e-5a99-4c13-8d8b-ac424de951b7 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR