开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - CPGCE - 2016 AGM\n\nEvent Type: AGM\n\nIndustr y Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Scott Young is a current Aircraft Captain and is the VP Aviation & Operations Manager for Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS). A graduate of the Northern Alberta Institute of T echnology Electronics Engineering and Biomedical Technology Programs.\n\nD escription : The 2016 CPGCE AGM will be held at Fort Calgary\, just East o f the City down-town core at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers.\n \nStarting at 6:00pm with cocktails and introductions\, the AGM will confl uence at 6:30 with the dinner scheduled for 7:00pm. This year&rsquo\;s key note speaker will be Mr. Scott Young\, VP Aviation who will give a talk on the &ldquo\;Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service (STARS http://www.stars.ca/ ) \n \;Celebrating its 30th \;Anniversary in 2015\, Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) provides rapid\, highly specialized \;critical care Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) to critically ill and i njured patients throughout western Canada.\n \;In the early 1980s\, st udies showed about half the deaths due to trauma could have been prevented if patients had received critical care sooner. When Dr. Greg Powell lost a young mother who was being transported from a rural area to Calgary by g round ambulance\, he decided something had to change. That&rsquo\;s when h e founded STARS.\nLess than half the population of Western Canada lives in major urban centres and has access to critical care within minutes. For t he other half such access is measured in hours. That can mean the differen ce between life and death\; full recovery or permanent damage.\n \;Wit h STARS\, those living in rural communities\, working in remote areas\, tr avelling on highways or being transported from community hospitals to majo r medical centres\, receive the very best in critical care in helicopters staffed and outfitted as mobile ICUs.\nBeginning in 1995 in Calgary\, STAR S has grown to include bases in Edmonton\, Grande Prairie\, Regina\, Saska toon and Winnipeg. \;From its Calgary and Grande Prairie bases\, STARS also serves eastern British Columbia. \; Scott will detail the histor y and mission \;of STARS and will provide an overview of STARS&rsquo\; helicopter fleet\, night vision capabilities\, medical monitoring and dia gnostic \;equipment as well as the helicopter and medical simulators u sed to support its critical care mission.\n\nFor further details on the ev ent\, visit www.cpgce.org or contact Rick Marshall at secretary@cpgce.org. The cost of the event is $25 per person payable at the door\, cash or che que.\n \n \;\n \;\n\nContact Details: Rick Marshall\n\n Alternativ e Contact: Bob Salt DTEND:20160130T220000 DTSTAMP:20231022T215726Z DTSTART:20160130T180000 LOCATION:Fort Calgary\, 750 - 9th Avenue SE\, Calgary\, T2P 2M5\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:CPGCE - 2016 AGM UID:806e63b8-72ce-47ae-bdb0-6f87571add1f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR