BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Cardboard Boat Race 2016\n\nEvent Type: Compet ition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescrip tion : \n\nThe Bath and Bristol Young Member&rsquo\;s Panel is delighted t o announce its third cardboard boat race\, following \;two successful (read: extremely wet) \;races! \;We are offering you the chance to  \;build your own boat \;and race (or sink!) \;in front of&nbs p\;the crowds at the Bristol Harbour Festival. \;\n\nThis is your oppo rtunity to build a vessel made entirely of cardboard which is capable of&n bsp\;making it to the end of \;our course and back. \;The fastest boat to complete our circuit will win the race.最创新最滑稽进港船也将获奖.\nif所有不上船者\, MyFutreMyChoice正寻找志愿者帮助Slearship赛程义工会为小群儿童提供搭建自己的小型帆船的机会,这些小帆船将直接在成人赛前赛跑\nnPlease include the name of your team\, a lis t of team members and contact details for your team (ideally an email addr ess and telephone/mobile number).\n\nPlease note the above times are estim ates and will be confirmed closer to the event.\n \;\n\nThe poster for the event can be viewed here.\n\nContact Details: William McLay DTEND:20160716T130000 DTSTAMP:20240111T091034Z DTSTART:20160716T120000 LOCATION:Benjamin Perry Pontoon\, The Benjamin Perry Boat House\, Phoenix W harf\, Lower Guinea Street\, Bristol\, BS1 STJ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Cardboard Boat Race 2016 UID:48f1b0ab-f8c0-41a2-b4e2-ba578b4fe789 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR