开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Queensland Mechanical Branch Annual Dinner and CPD Event\n\nEvent Type: Annual dinner or luncheon\n\nIndustry Sector: Ae rospace Industries\n\nSpeak Details: Professor Michael Smart\nSchool of Me chanical and Mining Engineering\nChair of Hypersonic Propulsion\, Universi ty of Queensland\n\nDescription : The following summarizes the evenings pr esentation on ''Reusable launch of small satellites using scramjets'&rsquo \;.\n\nThe rapid pace of technology advancement is changing the requiremen ts of current and future satellite launch systems. Both reduced scale and increased responsiveness will be the future drivers of access-to-space. Du e to the rapid development of micro-scale\, low power electronics\, satell ites that were many thousands of kilograms\, now weigh just hundreds of ki lograms. At present\, almost all small satellites are launched using a rid e-share service that piggy-backs onto a larger customer at a cost of up to US$50\,000/kg. There is a significant commercial opportunity for the deve lopment of dedicated launchers for small satellites. The SPARTAN satellite launch system has been developed by the Centre for Hypersonics at the Uni versity of Queensland (UQ) in response to this opportunity. It is a three- stage rocket-scramjet-rocket system with the first two being reusable. The presentation will discuss the rapidly changing business of satellite laun ch\, and how Australia could become a part of it.\n\nProfessor Michael Sma rt is the chief investigator on the five-year National and International R esearch Alliances partnership collaboration between UQ\, the Queensland Go vernment\, Boeing\, the United States Air Force and the Defence Science an d Technology Organisation conducting scramjet-related flight tests as part of the HiFIRE program.\n\nProfessor Smart\, who graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) at UQ in 1985 and Master of Engineering Science at UQ in 1987\, was awarded a PhD at the Polytechnic University\, Brooklyn\, New York\, in 1995.\n\nHe was appointed an Associate Professor in the Cent re for Hypersonics in 2005 after spending 10 years as a research scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center in Virginia.\n\nAs head of UQ's HyShot Group\, Professor Smart leads scramjet related research within the Centre for Hypersonics\, with particular emphasis on flight applications.\n\nHe r eceived the 2012 International Congress for Aeronatucs (ICAS) Von\nKarman Award for International Co-operation in Aeronautics.\n\n\nCONTRARY TO THE NOTICE\; THE EVENT IS NOT FREE AND IS PRICED IN AUD AND NOT GBP.\n\nCost\n \n\nMembers: \;\n\n$75 members\, $60 student members (incl GST)\n\n\n\ n\n\nNon Members: \;\n\n$105 (incl GST)\n\n\n\n\n\nPlease go to the En gineers Australia website - https://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/portal/e vent/queensland-mechanical-branch-annual-dinner-and-cpd-event - to complet e registration and payment formalities.\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20160818T220000 DTSTAMP:20231102T084543Z DTSTART:20160818T180000 LOCATION:QLD - Victoria Park golf club Brisbane\, Queensland\, Quartz room\ , \, Victoria Park golf club \, Brisbane\, Queensland\, QLD\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Queensland Mechanical Branch Annual Dinner and CPD Event UID:16848cc0-7fe4-4c5d-b49a-bd3c03af6725 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR