开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IET Retired Engineers Group\n\nEvent Type: Tec hnical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Rapid prototyping & direct manufacturin g\n\nSpeak Details: Ian Linke is a second generation Technical Officer and para-professional Electrical Engineer. Employed in the school of Electric al and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide. Currently he is responsible for managing the school's Technical prototyping and Researc h facility.\n\nDescription : 3D printing is rightly classified a disruptiv e technology. Based on a simple low power\, low cost 3 axis robotic platfo rm\, nobody could have possibly grasped the impact that grafting a simple plastic extrusion head to the robotic carriage would have on the world.\nT he first home built machine was developed under 10 years ago and 3DFused F ilament Fabrication (FFF) was born. The impact is transformational and far from over as new\, follow on technologies and ideas are constantly being created to solve previous impossible problems. Employed across the board f rom medicine to civil engineering the technology is fully scale-able and a ll pervasive. The world of product prototyping and concept to creation is now available at the press of a button.\n\nContact Details: Stan Gafney\nA ddress: Adelaide\, Australia. DTEND:20160727T123000 DTSTAMP:20231025T105343Z DTSTART:20160727T110000 LOCATION:School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering\, University of Ad elaide \, North Terrace\, Adelaide\, 5000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IET Retired Engineers Group UID:6246ba08-d4b5-464a-aa54-22bf78fa73e5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR