开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - September Monthly Committee Meeting\n\nEvent T ype: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak De tails: \n\nDescription : Interested in getting involved with the Young Mem bers IMechE in West Cumbria? Come along and join us for our monthly meetin g and learn about the exciting plans the committee are making for the year ahead. We are looking for new members to help drive this Young Members Pa nel forward.\n\nContact Details: Simon Walsh\n\n Alternative Contact: Phil Howarth\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20160915T200000 DTSTAMP:20230627T014116Z DTSTART:20160915T183000 LOCATION:The Vagabond\, 9 Marlborough Street\, Cumbria\, Whitehaven\, CA28 7LL\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:September Monthly Committee Meeting UID:834d9b85-fb9b-4312-a6fc-5750fa5f2d33 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR