开始:日历方法:发布开始:事件描述:在你附近事件-技术访问斯图加特-乌尔姆高速铁路项目(也称为斯图加特21)\n\n事件类型:技术访问\n\n行业:建筑和建筑服务\n\n发言详情:展览之旅和项目概述介绍由DB项目团队的Peter Re inhart将持续约3小时。随后,在位于施瓦瑙的海瑞克隧道掘进机生产基地,我们将与berichsleiter PM1交通隧道工程师Gerhard Wehrmeyer博士会面。描述:IMechE德国集团很高兴地宣布,我们manbetx体育注册将与ICE德国联合组织对斯图加特-乌尔姆高速铁路项目(也称为斯图加特21号)进行技术参观,然后有机会在海瑞克股份公司的工厂参观隧道掘进机的制造,所有这些活动将于11月18日星期五举行。10点在斯图加特中央车站大厅南端的特尔姆论坛接待处集合。\;那些从机场直接乘火车或S-Bahn到达的人,请按照标志前往“机场论坛”。或向DB咨询台询问。\;对于那些开车来的人来说,中央车站有很好的指示牌,车站附近有地下停车场。\;从城里可以看到伦敦塔。 \n The tour of the Exhibition and the project overview presentation by Peter Reinhart from the DB Project Team will last approximately 3 hours. \; Depending on the activity on site\, the weather and the number of particip ants\, a visit to Block 16 of the foundations for the new underground stat ion may be possible. \nFor more information on the project including the&n bsp\;tunneling works and the Ulm-Stuttgart high speed line \;see \ ;www.bahnprojekt-stuttgart-ulm.de \;for progress reports\, webcams and detailled technical descriptions of the many components of this huge proj ect. Should there be sufficient interest in a visit to the \;tunneling \;works in 2017 this can be arranged directly with the project \; team during our stay.\nFrom the Main Station\, we will travel by coach to the Herrenknecht Tunnel Boring Machine production facility in Schwanau\, S outh of Straß\;burg where we will be met by Dr. Gerhard Wehrmeyer\,&n bsp\;Bereichsleiter PM1 Traffic Tunnelling. Following a tour of the facili ty and a presentation of the range of Herrenkecht TBMs\, we will return by coach to Stuttgart in time for connections to most destinations. For more information please see \;https://www.herrenknecht.com/de/home.html\nO f course\, following the visit to Herrenknecht\, AG\, it will be possible to leave the \;coach at points on the route to prolong your stay in th e \;Sü\;d-Schwarzwald or Straß\;burg area.\nPlease register f or this event by return of email to \;germanychair@imechenearyou.org b y Friday 28 October at the latest\, confirming your participation in the t wo visits and \;the names of \;any guests.\n\nPlease see the poste r below:\n\nStuttgart2016IMechE\n\nRegards\,\n\nIMechE Germany Group\n\nCo ntact Details: Dr Andy Storer\nAddress: Germany.\n\n Alternative Contact: Steven Kirkham\nAddress: Munich\, Germany. DTEND:20161118T170000 DTSTAMP:20230522T224416Z DTSTART:20161118T100000 LOCATION:Stuttgart Main Railway Station\, Arnulf-Klett-Platz\, Stuttgart\, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Technical Visit to the Stuttgart-Ulm High Speed Rail Project (also known as STUTTGART 21) UID:07fe4651-d354-4059-ae9e-a5f5ac507283 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR