开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EESA Event: "Key Aspects of Successful Project Management"\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Manageme nt\n\nSpeak Details: The speakers are Greg Walters\, Substation Delivery M anager and Ralf Ricciardi\, Network Operations Manager of ElectraNet.\n\nD escription : This event covers important risk \;management \;and s afety issues associated with \;project \;management. \; In ord er to encourage as many as possible to attend\, there is no fee \;for both EESA members and non-members.\nThe speakers are Greg Walters\, Substa tion Delivery Manager and Ralf Ricciardi\, Network Operations Manager of E lectraNet. \;Greg will summarise key project management consideration s for the planning and delivery of successful projects\, common pitfalls\, best practice risk management / safety approaches and quality focus. &nbs p\;Ralf Riccardi will talk about the criticality of outage management and its impact on the delivery of successful projects.\n\nContact Details: Sta n Gafney\nAddress: Adelaide\, Australia. DTEND:20161031T200000 DTSTAMP:20231024T111049Z DTSTART:20161031T180000 LOCATION:Bradley Forum\, Hawke Building\, 55 North Terrace\, UNIVERSITY O F SOUTH AUSTRALIA City West campus\, Adelaide\, 5000\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EESA Event: "Key Aspects of Successful Project Management" UID:1ebff950-da49-494b-8972-729151e236b6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR