开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Healthcare Design Toolkit - helping engineer b etter healthcare\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Biom edical engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Ian Hosking is a Senior Research Asso ciate in the Department of Engineering and currently project lead for the EPSRC - NIHR HTC Partnership Award: Promoting Real Independence through De sign Expertise. \nProf John Clarkson FREng\, the Director of the Cambridge Engineering Design Centre\n\nDescription : Our main speaker\, Ian Hosking \, is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Engineering and cur rently project lead for the EPSRC - NIHR HTC Partnership Award: Promoting Real Independence through Design Expertise (PRIDE). He has worked on a div erse range of projects covering medical device development and service imp rovement. One of the key outputs of this work is a Healthcare Design Toolk it which is the subject of this event.\n\n\nWe are delighted to confirm th at he will be joined by Prof John Clarkson FREng\, the Director of the Cam bridge Engineering Design Centre. \;John has published over 650 paper s\, as well as written and edited a number of books on medical equipment d esign\, inclusive design and process management. John is currently leading a team with the Royal Academy of Engineering\, the Royal College of Physi cians and the Academy of Medical Sciences to develop a systems approach to healthcare redesign and continuous improvement.\n\nAgenda:\n18:30 &ndash\ ; Refreshments and Networking (North Room)\n19:00 &ndash\; Introduction to the Healthcare Design Toolkit (LR6)\n19:30 &ndash\; Hands on session to p rovide feedback on the design\n20:15 - Feedback + Q&\;A\n20:30 &ndash\; Formal close\n\nPlease be aware parking is limited on site\n\nContact Det ails: Sylvain Jamais\nTelephone: 07920 768257\nAddress: Biomedical Enginee ring Division - Cambridge Centre \, United Kingdom. DTEND:20170321T203000 DTSTAMP:20230820T012726Z DTSTART:20170321T183000 LOCATION:Department of Engineering\, University of Cambridge\, Trumpington Street\, Cambridge\, CB2 1PZ\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Healthcare Design Toolkit - helping engineer better healthcare UID:c487cc39-3833-46ed-b988-ce16a58e9b16 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR