开始:日历方式:发布开始:活动描述:触手可及的活动- IMechE德国集团2017年年度股东大会(AGM)活动类型:委员会会议或年度股东大会(AGmanbetx体育注册M)活动类型:行业:汽车行业详细信息:年度股东大会描述:IMechE德国集团邀请所有成员参加将于3月22日(星期三)15:00在慕尼黑举行的2017年年度股东大会(AGM)。欢迎IMechE德国组的所有成员参加本次年会,manbetx体育注册本次年会议程草案如下:\;\;\;\;\;\;议程\n\n- \;\; \; \; \; \; \; Approval of minutes of previous AGM\n\n- \; \; \; \; \; \;&nb sp\; Annual report including Young Members report\n\n- \; \; \ ; \; \; \; \; Treasurer's report\n \n- \; \; \ ; \; \; \; \; Goals for 2017\n\n- \; \; \;&nbs p\; \; \; \; Agenda items raised by members\n\n- \; \; \; \; \; \; \; Election of new committee\n\n \;\n \nAny member who wishes to place an item on the agenda may do so\, providi ng notice is given by email to GermanySec@imechenearyou.org by Friday 4 Ma rch.\n\nConcerning the election of the new committee\, the nominations fro m the present committee are as follows:\n\n \;\n\n \; \; \ ; Chair - Dr Andy Storer\n\n \; \; \; Vice Chair - Mr Thomas A ndrew\n\n \; \; \; Hon. Secretary - Mr Thomas Andrew\n\n \ ; \; \; Treasurer - Mr Paul Larkin\n\n \; \; \; Young Member Coordinator - Mr Andreas Engels\n\n \; \; \; Representa tive - &ldquo\;North&rdquo\; - Mr David Eyre-Jackson\n\n \; \;&nbs p\; YM Representative &ndash\; &ldquo\;North" - Mr Lee Bekhor\n\n \;&n bsp\; \; Representative - &ldquo\;Berlin and East&rdquo\; - Mr Ewan Mc Leod\n\n \; \; \; YM Representative &ndash\; &ldquo\;Berlin an d East&rdquo\; - Open\n\n \; \; \; Representative - panel &ldq uo\;Southern&rdquo\; - Mr Paul Larkin\n\n \; \; \; YM Represen tative &ndash\; &ldquo\;Southern&rdquo\; - Mr Andreas Engels\n\n \;&nb sp\; \; Representative - &ldquo\;Rhein-Main-Neckar&rdquo\; - Dr David Foster\n\n \; \; \; YM Rep. - &ldquo\;Rhein-Main-Neckar&rdquo\ ; - Mr Babis Schoinochoritis\n\n \; \; \; Represenative - &ldq uo\;Rhein-Ruhr&rdquo\; - Open\n\n \; \; \; YM Representative & ndash\; &ldquo\;Rhein-Ruhr&rdquo\; - Open\n\n \;\n\n \;\n\nFurther information on the posts and nominees as outlined above is available on r equest by email to GermanySec@imechenearyou.org.\n\n \;\n\nAdditional nominations\, proposed by a member and seconded by another member\, may be made by email to GermanySec@imechenearyou.org by Friday 4 March. \; T he email must include the post\, the full names and membership grades of t he candidate\, proposer and seconder\, \;including \;company affil iation and \;position of the nominee as wells as a brief curriculum vi tae of not more than 250 words.\n\n \;\n\nTo register to attend the AG M\, please send an email to GermanySec@imechenearyou.org by Friday 4 March . \; Further details\, including travel information\, will be sent to& nbsp\;all registered attendees following the close of registration.\n\n\n\ nContact Details: Dr Andy Storer\nAddress: Germany. DTEND:20170222T220000 DTSTAMP:20230523T015605Z DTSTART:20170322T150000 LOCATION:München Hbf\, Bayerstraße\, Munich\, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IMechE Germany Group 2017 Annual General Meeting (AGM) UID:67a80c1e-aea5-484d-af61-b949255fe4ed END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR