开始:日历方式:发布开始:活动描述:触手可及活动- IMechE总裁将于3月访问德国活动类型:正式访问行业:电力行业演讲详情:本次活动将由IMechE总裁Jon Hiltomanbetx体育注册n先生(//www.pedrorafa.com/about-us/our-people/jon-hilton)主持。IMechEmanbetx体育注册德国集团非常高兴地宣布,IMechE总裁Jon Hilton先生(//www.pedrorafa.com/about-us/our-people/jon-hil ton)已选择于2017年3月对德国进行正式访问。3月21日星期二,Jon将抵达慕尼黑,并参观位于Garching的通用电气全球研究中心(http://www.geglobalresearch)。com/locations/munich-germany)。\;参观将于15:00开始,包括GE研究活动的介绍以及参观实验室。主要活动将是3月21日(星期二)晚上的招待会,届时乔恩将发表总统演讲。\;该活动将于18:30在慕尼黑的凯宾斯酒店(https://www.kempinski.com/en/munich/hotel-vier-jahreszeiten /)举行,届时巴伐利亚总领事保罗·赫德曼先生(Paul Heardman)和罗德堡州总领事Baden-Wü将会出席。赫德曼先生将就英国与欧洲关系的变化以及未来几年的发展情况做一个简短的介绍。3月22日星期三,J on将访问MAN Diesel &;Turbo SE在奥格斯堡(http://dieselturbo)。m an.eu /公司/关于我们)。\; Jon will be given a factory tour\, commenc ing at 11:00 and lasting approximately 2 hours.\nLater on \;the \; Wednesday afternoon\, starting at 15:00\, the Germany Group will hold its AGM in Munich\, as communicated in a separate message. \; \nIMechE Mem bers are \;cordially invited to \;attend each or all \;of thes e events. \; In order to be able to finalise arrangements well in adva nce\, \;we would be very grateful if you would register by Friday 3rd March by return of email to germanychair@imechenearyou.org\, indicating wh ich of the events you would \;like to attend.\nFurther Information on the various locations will be sent to those registered in the week \;f ollowing the close of registration.\n\n\n\nContact Details: Dr Andy Storer \nAddress: Germany. DTEND:20170322T150000 DTSTAMP:20230522T220758Z DTSTART:20170321T150000 LOCATION:GE Global Research\, Freisinger Landstraße 50\, Munich\, 85748\, G ermany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:President of IMechE to visit Germany in March UID:9fe73f39-c5be-49ed-9c9e-e8565b588427 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR