开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Life with a Bionic Arm\n\nEvent Type: Technica l lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical engineering\n\nSpeak Details: Nig el Ackland was employed as a precious metals smelter\, and around five yea rs ago\, he was involved in an accident at work involving an industrial bl ender. This led to a severe crush injury of his right forearm and the subs equent loss of his lower arm and hand.\n\nDescription : \nNigel Ackland&nb sp\;was employed as a precious metals smelter. Around five years ago\, he was involved in an accident at work involving an industrial blender. This led to a severe crush injury of his right forearm. He underwent six months of operations and infections before deciding to have an elective trans-ra dial (below elbow) amputation. \;\nNigel&rsquo\;s second arm was a bod y powered hook. A body harness connected to the hook allowed Nigel to use his upper body to open and close the hook. Nigel found this prosthesis unc omfortable and not very functional so stopped wearing it.\n\nHe later rece ived an electric arm with a terminal device called a greifer. He found the greifer much more functional but was disappointed with it&rsquo\;s cosmet ic appearance as it doesn&rsquo\;t attempt to look like a hand.\n\nRecentl y\, Nigel was fitted with a bebionic3 hand. He now uses the bebionic3 ever yday and likes the movement and realistic appearance although prefers to w ear the black non-definition glove so it doesn&rsquo\;t look too real! He takes advantage of the many grip patterns the hand offers and can now do e veryday tasks two-handed like driving\, typing\, shopping and washing his hands. \;\nNigel will describe living with this fascinating piece of t echnology.\n\n\nContact Details: Robert Simpson\nAddress: Dublin 1\, Irela nd.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Dillon\nAddress: Dept of Mechanical Engi neering\, TU Dublin\, \, Tallaght Campus\, Tallaght\, D24 FKT9\, Ireland. DTEND:20170308T180000 DTSTAMP:20230627T100511Z DTSTART:20170308T170000 LOCATION:Room 259\, DIT\, Bolton St\, Dublin Institute of Technology\, Bolt on St\, Dublin 1\, D01 K822\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Life with a Bionic Arm UID:3cae9d5a-73cd-4d6a-aeed-1d31b73ecec4 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR