开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IMarEST BeNeLux Branch - Development of a rem ote wave sensing technique and its potential applicati\n\nEvent Type: Tech nical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Offshore engineering\n\nSpeak Details: C ompany: Damen/Next Ocean \nSpeakers: Albert Rijkens\, Peter Naaijen \nPos itions: Project manager \nCompany websites: www.damen.com\, www.nextocean. nl\n\nDescription : Research resulted in a decision support tool that prov ides real time\, on-board\, time-specific prediction of waves and ship mot ions up to minutes ahead\, using novel technology that turns any navigatio n radar into a remote wave sensor. \n\nThis enables a brand new approach t o operability: Operators of fast ships often face the difficult challenge to maximize speed in waves while keeping vessel motions and accelerations within safe operational bounds. \n\nRegistration in required (see IMarEST Contact person below for details) and a fee if &euro\;5 is to cover the co sts of the drinks and snacks.\n\nContact Details: IMarEST Benelux\nAddress : Netherlands.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 47 1 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20170406T213000 DTSTAMP:20231103T022520Z DTSTART:20170406T183000 LOCATION:Delft University of Technology\, 3ME Faculty – lecture room D (Jam es Watt)\, Mekelweg 2\, Delft\, 2628 CD\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IMarEST BeNeLux Branch - Development of a remote wave sensing tech nique and its potential applicati UID:9d519ce7-e11f-45c3-b749-4ea0131c9577 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR