开始:日历方法:发布开始:活动描述:在你身边活动-讨论咖啡馆-工作场所的几代人-活动2 -年轻员工活动类型:研讨会行业:其他行业/部门演讲细节:\n\n描述:你想知道从现在起5年或10年后你的工作场所会是什么样子吗?你能理解新一代年轻工人的需求和方法吗?你是否能够与使用不同技术建立自己职业生涯的高级员工进行交流?各代人可以互相学习什么?人工智能会让我们都变得多余吗?你有什么意见要分享吗?讨论咖啡馆是一个见面、交流、分享经验和观点的机会。\;这是调查职场基因配给话题的一系列事件中的第二次。第一个讨论咖啡馆讨论了老员工的观点。\;结论是,老年工人已经掌握了未来所需的大部分技能。\;有争议的是,该报告还得出结论,年轻一代几乎没有什么可以教给老一辈的。 \; Read the full report here.\n\nJoin t he second debate about younger workers\; what they can offer and what they can learn? \;\nThere will be a short impulse presentation\, then it's over to you. \; With a drink and some snacks to eat\, you will be abl e to share your views and experiences. \; There will be facilitators a vailable to catch your thoughts.\n\nAll members are welcome. \; Young members are especially welcome to share their point of view about this top ic.\n\nIf you can't join the event\, then you are still encouraged to have your say and answer the 4 questions on the online survey\, click here.\n\ nThe anonymous outcome of this event will be summarised and shared with th e membership. The first discussion Cafe summary was included in the IMech E international News report\, see the report here. \n\nMake your voice he ard.\n\nParticipation is free. \; Bring a friend!\n\nTrain\nA 10-minut e walk will take you from the hotel to the train station Maastricht - Rand wyck.\nBus\nFrom Maastricht Central Station you take line 350 (in directio n of Aachen -bus stop Akersteenweg\, every 15 minutes).\n\nContact Details : Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20170411T210000 DTSTAMP:20230522T210019Z DTSTART:20170411T183000 LOCATION:Van der Valk Hotel Maastricht\, Nijverheidsweg 35\, Maastricht\, 6227AL\, Netherlands SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Discussion Cafe - Generations in the workplace - Event 2 - Younger Workers UID:ecb20767-83ba-4fa7-80fb-1bfb6db2eb9b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR