开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EESA - Understanding High Voltage Equipment He alth\n\nEvent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Safety & reliabi lity\n\nSpeak Details: Anthony Giacomin of TJH2b Melbourne Laboratories\, is an accomplished speaker with 25 years engineering design experience. An thony has regularly presented at Conferences throughout the Asia-Pacific r egion.\n\nDescription : \n\n\n\nOverview:\n\n\n\n\nThe aim is to manage ri sk more effectively to:\n1. Maximise the life of oil filled high and mediu m voltage equipment\n2. Know when and how to take action to extend equipme nt life and to plan for replacement\n3. Identify and diagnose fault condit ions\nThis presentation will describe how an integrated approach using dif ferent oil analysis technologies\, including dissolved gas analysis and pa rticle analysis\, can be used for improved diagnosis of equipment conditio n and recommendations of preventive actions.\nAntony Giacomin\, Sales & \; Marketing Manager:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAnthony is responsible for TJ|H2b a ctivities throughout the Asia-Pacific region. He received an Honours Degre e in Chemical Engineering from the University of Melbourne in 1992. His tw enty-five years experience in Engineering Design and Technical Sales &\ ; Marketing includes fourteen years with TJ|H2b. Antony has travelled to t he UK and USA to receive exhaustive and specialised training in diagnostic s relating to high voltage equipment. \nNetworking and Refreshments:\nAvai lable from 5:30 pm. Thanks to our sponsor Rockwell Automation who have kin dly provided the refreshments for this event.\n\nContact Details: Stan Gaf ney\nAddress: Adelaide\, Australia. DTEND:20170321T190000 DTSTAMP:20231031T173707Z DTSTART:20170321T180000 LOCATION:University of South Australia\, Bradley Forum Level 5\, City West Campus\, Hawke Building\, 55 North Terrace \, Adelaide\, SA 5000\, Aus tralia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EESA - Understanding High Voltage Equipment Health UID:6badec20-9598-4722-83fb-46804fac816a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR