开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EIIL: Industry 4.0 Conference number 2 2017 - Procurement\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\n Speak Details: This event will discuss the topic of PROCUREMENT.\n\nDescri ption : The EIIL will lead a research consortium to investigate the effect s of the new industrial revolution 4.0 (the internet of things: IoT) on th e process sector. \nThis is the second year of investigation and the secon d conference in the 2017 programme.\nThe conference will use the EIIL Mast erclass format with short impulse presentations from selected experts\, fo llowed by coached breakout goups and a feedback to the plenary session.\n\ nPlease park at the central Visitor Parking-Area.\nA shuttle service will take you to Building K9 where you will receive a visitor's pass.\n\nAt the Visitor Reception Center you will receive a parking code to exit.\n\nPLEA SE BRING PHOTO ID - PASSPORT PREFERRED\n\nPlease find more details here ht tp://www.chempark.com/en/leverkusen.html.\n\nContact Details: Secretariat EIIL\nAddress: Brussels\, 1180\, Belgium.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Be nnington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20170531T180000 DTSTAMP:20231026T212115Z DTSTART:20170531T090000 LOCATION:Covestro\, CHEMPARK Leverkusen\, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee\, Leverkusen \, D-51368 \, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EIIL: Industry 4.0 Conference number 2 2017 - Procurement UID:44be6795-6d1c-4c2d-abd2-8f947dff7e58 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR