开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EIIL: Atract and Retain Talent in Industry con ference\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpea k Details: This is a 1 day conference that will use the EIIL masterclass p rinciple with selected inputs from experts followed by coached breakout se ssions and a report back to the plenary session.\n\nDescription : The EIIL will lead a research consortium into the topic of Attracitng and Retainin g Talent in Industry.\nAmid a growing impression that Industry is not inte resting\, and the competition for talent for bright young workers from mor e attractive employers\, traditional industry has to fight hard and adapt. \n\nThis is the second year of the research consortium\, and the first con ference in the 2017 programme.The workshop will be hosted at the offices o f Covestro in Barcelona Spain.\n\nPLEASE BRING PHOTO ID - PASSPORT PREFERR ED\n\nContact Details: Secretariat EIIL\nAddress: Brussels\, 1180\, Belgiu m.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\n Address: Belgium. DTEND:20170517T170000 DTSTAMP:20230819T190036Z DTSTART:20170517T090000 LOCATION:Covestro\, Barcelona\, Spain SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EIIL: Atract and Retain Talent in Industry conference UID:fe4132e6-4bdf-45ea-8e52-554a00118132 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR