开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 8th Annual Meeting\, Italy Branch\n\nEvent Typ e: Committee meeting or AGM\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Industries\n\nSp eak Details: \n\nDescription : Annual Meeting Agenda\n10:00 \;\nArriva l and Coffee \;\n\n10:30 \;\nClosing year&rsquo\;s activities &nbs p\; \; \; \;Branch Chairman\, Daniel Fantoni \;\nFinanc ial report \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; Treasurer\, Adrian Parker \;\nObjectives for coming year &nbs p\; Branch Chairman\, Daniel Fantoni \;\nElections for Committee \; \; \; Hon Sec\, Muhammad Abdur Rahim \;\nNext years&rsquo \; events \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \;&n bsp\; \; \; \;\nCommittee open discussion \;\nAOB \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; &n bsp\; \; \; \; \; \; (Please advise beforehand)&n bsp\;\n\n13:00 \;\nLuncheon for attendees\, offered by IMechE \;\n \n16:00 \;\nClose \;\n\nNominations\nAll IMechE members in Italy c an Volunteer themselves or nominate other members for election to the comm ittee and to committee posts\, and take part in the meeting and in the vot ing. \;\n\nThe closing year&rsquo\;s committee is: \;\n\nChairman - Daniel Fantoni\nVice Chairman - Silvano Asnaghi\nHon Secretary &ndash\; Muhammad Abdur Rahim\nHon Treasurer - Adrian Parker\nOrdinary Committee Me mber &ndash\; Colin Morton \nOrdinary Committee Member &ndash\; Paolo Buon o\nOrdinary Committee Member &ndash\; Paul Gallagher \nOrdinary Committee Member &ndash\; Micaela Bizzarri\nYoung Member Officer &ndash\; Michele An gelo Cecchi\nAffiliate Officer &ndash\; Michele Puopolo\n\n\nAll positions are open for nominations\, in particular: \;\n\nChairman \;\nVice -chairman \;\nHon Secretary \;\nTreasurer \;\n8 Ordinary Commi ttee Members \;\n\nPlease submit your Volunteering or nominations by M ay 15th 2017 and indicate \;\nyour intention to participate in the AGM (in person/remote web conferencing) \;\n\nto italysec@imechenearyou.o rg \; \;\n\nContact Details: \n\n Alternative Contact: Daniel Fant oni\nTelephone: +39 3355445171\nAddress: Torino\, Italy. DTEND:20170520T160000 DTSTAMP:20230819T192332Z DTSTART:20170520T100000 LOCATION:Gorgonzola\, Via per Cascina Rafredo\, 27\, Gorgonzola (MI) \, 200 64\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:8th Annual Meeting\, Italy Branch UID:d5f288c0-67fe-4ee4-ac2c-115ffa28e596 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR