开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EIIL: A Teamworking Skills Foundation (HPL 0)\ n\nEvent Type: Workshop\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: EIIL uses an inductive learning\, Masterclass process where participants are encouraged to interact with the invited experts directly.\n\nDescripti on : While this workshop is a worthwhile stand-alone experience\, it is de signed to provide an introduction to HPL1\, HPL3\, HPL4\, HPL5 and HPL6 an d will be run the day before each of these workshops to offer participants maximum flexibility.\n\n\nIt is mandatory to have attended an HPL0 worksh op before attending \; \;HPL1\, 3\, 4\, 5 or 6\n\n\nDetails of thi s workshop are available on request to \; \;secretariat@eiil.net\n \n\nThere are 5 free places available to IMechE members.\n\nContact Detail s: Secretariat EIIL\nAddress: Brussels\, 1180\, Belgium.\n\n Alternative C ontact: Paul Bennington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20170613T180000 DTSTAMP:20231103T023403Z DTSTART:20170613T090000 LOCATION:Mc Dermott\, Pr. Beatrixlaan 35\, Den Haag\, 2595 AK \, Netherland s SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EIIL: A Teamworking Skills Foundation (HPL 0) UID:6fbf6626-daf2-4e26-81ff-9081e24e65ca END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR