开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - EIIL: Setting Aims for Strategic Development (HPL 3)\n\nEvent Type: Workshop\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: EIIL uses an inductive learning\, Masterclass process where parti cipants are encouraged to interact with the invited experts directly.\n\nD escription : To fully participate in this workshop\, delegates must have c ompleted HPL 0: &lsquo\;A Teamworking Skills Foundation&rsquo\; which will proceed this workshop on 13th June 2017.\n\n\nObjective\nAll organisation s (including businesses) inevitably change. Successful \;organisations initiate and manage the change process for the benefit of all \;their stakeholders. This requires an intimate understanding of the aims of all& nbsp\;stakeholders and a process designed to ensure the pursuit of the cri tical \;aims. The pursuit of these aims must not be blind. Success wil l depend upon \;many factors influenced both internally and externally . \n\nThis two-day workshop will enable individuals to develop a strategic approach for \;enhanced business performance. Participants will pract ice producing networks of aims that recognise the need of all stakeholders and then \;develop and understanding of how to develop a strategy tha t will deliver the required results\, no matter how big the challenge.\n\n Key Benefits\n\nParticipants will gain:\n\n&bull\; Skill in using a practi cal tools that enable the management of major challenges.\n\n&bull\; An un derstanding of Strategy and how a strategy can be developed to deliver res ults.\n\n\nWho Should Attend?\n\nThis workshop is designed to meet the nee ds of engineers and technologists with five to eight years of post-graduat e industrial experience and some early supervisory experience\, including those in project management roles. The workshop will also benefit managers from other disciplines who need to lead \;multicultural teams of peop le in either general or functional \;management positions\, particular ly those contemplating significant business change programmes in the near future.\n\n\nThe workshop will be conducted in English.\n\n\nThere are 5 f ree places avaialble to IMechE members.\n\nContact Details: Secretariat EI IL\nAddress: Brussels\, 1180\, Belgium.\n\n Alternative Contact: Paul Benn ington\nTelephone: +32 471 13 45 55\nAddress: Belgium. DTEND:20170615T180000 DTSTAMP:20231026T235113Z DTSTART:20170614T090000 LOCATION:Mc Dermott\, Pr. Beatrixlaan 35\, Den Haag\, 2595 AK \, Netherland s SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:EIIL: Setting Aims for Strategic Development (HPL 3) UID:d7f01cdb-d6d7-498d-99a8-d46162f6442d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR