开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Industry Night\n\nEvent Type: Careers & educat ion\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: Our industry expert s will talk about their career paths\, the challenges they faced along the way and the achievements they have been rewarded with.\nEach of our speak ers will share what it takes to be a successful engineer today and offer a dvice on what your next steps should be after you graduate.\n\nDescription : A full description of the event\, information on the speakers and regis tration details can be found on Eventbrite (click here). \;\n\nContact Details: Monika Sud\nTelephone: 0410 873393 \nAddress: Sydney\, Australi a. DTEND:20170830T203000 DTSTAMP:20231024T214608Z DTSTART:20170830T174500 LOCATION:L17\, 141 Walker St\, North Sydney\, Level 17 / 141 Walker St\, No rth Sydney\, 2060\, Australia SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Industry Night UID:d9945b8c-07f8-4629-9785-92797cb4af8a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR