开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Efficient presentations & Job Interviews\n\nEv ent Type: Workshop\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\n Description : -------------------------------------------------\nLOCATION\ n-------------------------------------------------\nCarlos III University\ nAvda Universidad\, 20. \;Legané\;s. 28911\nClass room 1.0.B02\ n\n-------------------------------------------------\nAGENDA\n------------ -------------------------------------\n\nProfessional \;interview \;worshop \;\n\nPractical Guidelines\nInterview simulations with a vol unteers from the audience\nQuestions and answers\nShort Introduction about the SOFE Competition\nThe SOFE (Speak Out for Engineering) competition wa s established by the Institution in 1964 to challenge young engineers to p rove that they could "communicate effectively"\, which is still an importa nt area for today&rsquo\;s developing engineers.\nSOFE Competitor presenta tion (remake)\nSpeakers:\nJavier \;Remó\;n HR Development Manage r at Ferrovial Agromá\;n\nBussiness Parnert at HILTI (name to be con firmed)\nExperience of more than 25 years in positions related to differen t areas of Human Resources in national and international companies: Select ion\, Coaching\, Training\, Design and implementation of models by Compete nces\, Performance Evaluation\, Potential Evaluation\, Analysis and job de scription work\, succession plans\, etc\n \;To Provide several courses for years on how to overcome selection interviews\, how to do a CV\, how to tackle job search in the 2.0 world\, virtual interviews\, etc.\nMore th an 32\,000 selection interviews conducted throughout their professional li fe\n\nContact Details: DTEND:20171017T150000 DTSTAMP:20231029T195318Z DTSTART:20171017T130000 LOCATION:Universidad Carlos III de Madrid: Campus de Leganés\, Av. de la Un iversidad\, 30\, Leganés\, 28911\, Spain SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Efficient presentations & Job Interviews UID:aa2ac5a5-23aa-4e6c-80e2-ed40fe87b44b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR