开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:在你身边的事件-为工程(SOFE)发言\,柏林\n\nE活动类型:谈话或辩论\n\n行业:跨部门\n\n发言细节s: \n\n描述:你正在寻找一个机会来发展你的演讲技巧吗?你是一位才华横溢的公众演说家,正在寻找新的挑战吗?这是对德国一轮“为工程大声疾呼”的候选人的呼吁。(SOFE),由机械工程师学会主办,我们计划于万博manbetx网址10月19日星期四晚上在柏林举行。考生必须就任何机械工程学科做一次口头报告。\;演讲时间不得超过20分钟,其中10分钟用于观众讨论和评委提问。\ n \; \ nA一等奖和二等奖将授予法官:\ n \。\ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n 1日奖-£\;300 \ n并不年代证书\ n \ n \ n \; \ n \ n \ n二奖-£\;200 \ n + ce rtificate \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \; \ nIn \,圆的wi神经网络将被邀请参加欧洲最终\ w -将在塞维利亚\,上周末西班牙17的19诺\,敢于进一步奖将授予和差旅费refunde d。\;目的SOFE的目的是提高机械工程学科的有效沟通能力。比赛特别关注描述和解释技术主题的口头和视觉交流。\; It is also designed to promo te interest in the art of communication.\n \;\nEligibility and competi tion rules\nCandidates MUST be either an Affiliate or Associate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers\, or a member who has been profess ionally registered for 10 years or less. \n \;\nCandidates are require d to prepare a synopsis of the presentation of 200 words maximum\, which s hould be included with the notice of registration. Failure to submit the s ynopsis may invalidate the entry. The presentation must be made by an indi vidual\, regardless of whether the subject is part of a group &lsquo\;tech nical&rsquo\; project. Judges will expect more experienced candidates to h ave more polished skills and their marking assessment will reflect this. A winning entry in any year is not eligible for entry in subsequent years.\ n \;\nRegistration\nThe registration deadline is Friday 29th September . \; If you would like to register\, please complete the attached form and send it to germanyymrep@imechenearyou.org before the deadline\, reme mbering to include the 200 word synopsis.\n\nsofe-registration form\n \;\n\nContact Details: Dr Andy Storer\nAddress: Germany. DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20171019 DTSTAMP:20230522T205323Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20171019 LOCATION:Berlin\, Berlin\, Berlin\, Berlin\, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE)\, Berlin UID:663c0ac9-891d-4646-81d1-bc91c8f02f3b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR