开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Photographer of the Year Competition\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n\n\nThe competition\nMembers and non-members of the I nstitution are invited to submit up to three photographs on a set theme. T he theme for the 2017 competition is &ldquo\;Engineering in Transport&rdqu o\;. \;\n\nThis is a unique opportunity for anyone from across the wor ld to share inspirational\, striking images related to mechanical engineer ing. The judges will be looking for photographs that are ambitious\, creat ive\, thoughtful and representative of the Institution&rsquo\;s theme on t ransport. \;\n\nA distinguished judging panel of leading industry prof essionals will select the winning images.\n \;\nHow do I enter?\nPleas e submit up to three photographs on the theme of &ldquo\;Engineering in Tr ansport&rdquo\; to YMBPhotoComp@imechenearyou.org \;\n\nNo radical cha nges should be made to the original image. Filters are not permissible nor additions from any source. Cropping\, straightening and the removal of mi nor blemishes is allowed. \;\n\nImages should be JPEG files. 3000+ pix els wide is preferred.\n\nAll entries must be accompanied with a completed and signed application form. \;\n\nClosing date for entries: 10 Novem ber 2017\n \;\nCategories\nOver 18 years regional winner (8 regional w inners)\nOver 18 years (1 winner\, 1 runner up)\nUnder 18 years (1 winner\ , 1 runner up)\nPrize details\n\nThe two winning photos \;- the Over 18 years overall \;winner and the Under 18 years winner - will be fea tured in the Institution News newsletter\, read by over 63\,000 people acr oss the world.\n\nOver 18 years regional winners\n\nA winner will be selec ted from each of the eight regions &ndash\; Americas\, North East Asia\, S outh East Asia\, Southern Asia\, Europe\, Middle East and Africa\, Oceania and UK &\; Ireland.\n\nEach regional winner will receive:\n\n£\;1 00 prize money\nCanvas of the winning photo\nCertificate.\nOver 18 years o verall winner \;\n\nOne overall winner and runner up will then be sel ected from the eight regional winners and will be awarded an additional:&n bsp\;\n\n1st prize £\;150 \;\n2nd prize £\;125\nContribution towards attending a regional dinner or Institution event (winner).\nUnder 18 years \;\n\n1st prize £\;100 plus an instant camera\n2nd priz e £\;50 \;\nPhoto printed on canvas \;\nCertificate.\n\nThe w inners will be announced in December 2017.\n\nContact Details: José Mª GA RTEIZ\nAddress: Seville\, Spain. DTEND:20171110T210000 DTSTAMP:20231028T064250Z DTSTART:20171110T200000 LOCATION:*TBC\, (Location will be provided soon)\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Photographer of the Year Competition UID:56d76bcb-7bc8-4702-b636-968d35263f3a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR