开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Visit to SAAB Radar Production Facilities (Got henburg)\n\nEvent Type: Technical visit\n\nIndustry Sector: Defence\n\nSpe ak Details: \n\nDescription : Welcome to a technical visit of SAAB Surveil lance radar production facilities. More details at http://saabgroup.com/ab out-company/organization/business-areas/ \; \; \; \nThe tour will start about 13.30 and take about 90 mins. \; After the tour\, th ere will be a social 'meet and greet' for attendees in central Gothenburg (pub location to be advised). \; \nYou can reach SAAB with bus line 50 from centre to stop 'Kallebä\;ck' (c20min) and then a 5-10 minute wal k to SAAB. \; I can provide more details as needed. \nPlease confirm y our nationality when booking.\n\nContact Details: Paul Wooldridge\nAddress : Sweden. DTEND:20171214T160000 DTSTAMP:20231031T105220Z DTSTART:20171214T130000 LOCATION:SAAB Surveillance\, Solhusgatan 10\, Kallebäcks Teknikpark\, Göteb org\, SE-438 91\, Sweden SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Visit to SAAB Radar Production Facilities (Gothenburg) UID:19218c1f-f66a-452c-b1cc-c436b1f67bc0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR