开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Speak Out For Engineering 2018\n\nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: For m ore information on the speak out for engineering competition see here: htt ps://www.pedrorafa.com/get-involved/young-members-network/speak-out-for-engin eering-entrants\n\nDescription : Who can enter?\nThe competition is open t o any Affiliate\, Associate or Young Member of the Institution. If you are n't already registered please do so here: iMeche Registration \;\nYou must be a registered iMeche member to enter. Note student registration is free! \n\nSubject:\nCompetitors are to give an oral presentation on a mech anical/manufacturing engineering related subject. This could range from de sign of a new medical device to 3D printing of a automotive component so d on't be constrained. \; Presentation slides\, materials or props can be used to support a presentation.\n\n\nWhat do competitors have to do?\nC ompetitors are required to prepare a written presentation summary of 200 w ords maximum using the entrants form found here: Application Form\nThis sh ould be sent directly to roiymchair@imechenearyou.org by 5pm on the 23rd o f November 2017 \n\nSelection Process:\nFrom these entries 5 finalists wil l be selected to present on the 27th November to the panel of experts. The finalists must give their presentation as an individual regardless of whe ther the subject is part of a group technical project. Judges will expect more experienced competitors to have developed presentation skills and the ir marking assessment will reflect this. A winning entry in any year is no t eligible for entry in subsequent years.\n\n\nPresentation Details:\nFina lists must give an oral presentation to be broken down as follows:\n\nPres entation length: 15 mins\nDiscussion and questions from judges: maximum 10 mins\n\n\nJudging: \n90% of the total marks are given for presentation wi th only 10% for technical content. This ensures that\, while all presentat ions must have mechanical engineering content in its broadest sense (e.g. purpose\, research\, design\, feasibility\, and practicality)\, all presen tations have the same chance of success despite varying degrees of technic al content. The decision of the judges on the award of the prizes shall be final and no correspondence can be entered into.\n\n\nPrizes\nCompetition winners will receive:\n1st Prize: £\;300 and certificate\n2nd Prize: £\;200 and certificate\n\nContact Details: Shane Keaveney\nAddress: UCD \, Ireland. DTEND:20171127T200000 DTSTAMP:20230627T075217Z DTSTART:20171127T180000 LOCATION:UCD Innovation Academy\, The Shackleton Lounge\, O’Brien Centre fo r Science \, University College Dublin\, Belfield\, Dublin\, Dublin 4\, Ir eland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Speak Out For Engineering 2018 UID:5e877f0b-4ae5-4c7f-b4ab-7eb10870bb0b END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR