开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Pluto Revealed - The New Horizons Mission\n\nE vent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sector s\n\nSpeak Details: Stuart Atkinson\,\nEddington Astronomical Society\n\nD escription : For\ngenerations after its discovery in 1930 the planet Pluto was an enigma\, a\nmysterious world lurking out in the darkness in the fa r reaches of the solar\nsystem. Even the mighty Hubble Space Telescope cou ld only make it out as a\nreddish "star" shining in the dark. By the time the New Horizons\nprobe flew past Pluto in July 2015 Pluto had been stripp ed of its planetary\nstatus\, demoted to "dwarf planet". But the probe rev ealed Pluto is\none of the most fascinating worlds of all - a world of tal l\, mist-wreathed ice\nmountains\, creeping glaciers of frozen nitrogen th e colour of vanilla ice\ncream\, and much\, much more. In this special tal k\, illustrated with breathtaking\nimages from NASA and special exclusive images he has created himself from\nNASA's data\, Kendal astronomer and au thor Stuart Atkinson will look the New\nHorizons mission and show how it r evolutionised our understanding of Pluto.\n\nImage Courtesy of NASA/JHUAPL /SwRI\n\nThis talk is held by the Professional Engineers South Cumbria (PE SC) and IMechE South Cumbria Area (SCA).\n\nThe talk is FREE and open to t he general public.\n\nAll IMechE Talks qualify for CPD Accreditation.\n\nC ontact Details: James Keith Higham\nTelephone: 01229 831324\nAddress: 22 S ummerhill Gardens\, Barrow-in-Furness\, Cumbria\, LA14 4LD\, DTEND:20180131T210000 DTSTAMP:20230521T181733Z DTSTART:20180131T193000 LOCATION:Forum 28\, Duke Street\, Barrow-in-Furness\, LA14 1HH\, United Kin gdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Pluto Revealed - The New Horizons Mission UID:8a01a948-fc1d-4434-9120-dbf2b48c801d END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR