开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Bioengineering conference: Innovation through convergence\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Biomedical engin eering\n\nSpeak Details: Speakers are expected from all West Cambridge Uni versity departments\, as well as local industry.\n\nDescription : This one -day conference will showcase current collaborations between engineers\, s cientists and the wider biological and biomedical community\, and aims to build bridges between researchers and practitioners in these areas. Talks will cover the broad range of research underway in the Cambridge area\, wi th a particular focus on West Cambridge.\n\nThe conference is organised by Cambridge University Engineering Department\, in conjunction with the IMe chE Biomedical Engineering Division. Speakers are expected from all West C ambridge University departments\, as well as local industry.\n\nThe organi sers are very grateful to Helen Morton for the generous donation that supp orted this event.\n\nWe feel privileged that IPEM president Professor Mark Tooley will attend the event and participate in our panel discussion on i nnovation and collaboration.\n\nFor information and to book your free plac e\, please visit \;https://www.ifm.eng.cam.ac.uk/events/bioengineering -conference/.\n\nContact Details: Sylvain Jamais\nTelephone: 07920 768257\ nAddress: Biomedical Engineering Division - Cambridge Centre \, United Kin gdom. DTEND:20180315T180000 DTSTAMP:20230819T172718Z DTSTART:20180315T084500 LOCATION:Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)\, 17 Charles Babbage Rd\, Cambri dge\, CB3 0FS\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Bioengineering conference: Innovation through convergence UID:4cceb9c7-059b-448e-b563-4eed632fa0e7 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR