开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - New Year’s Members Event Invitation\n\nEvent T ype: Annual dinner or luncheon\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak D etails: \n\nDescription : \nDear Member\,\nYou are kindly invited to the e vent of the\nIMechE Greece Group &ldquo\;2018 Cutting of the New Year&rsqu o\;s Cake Event&rdquo\;\, scheduled on 26th January 2018 at 19:00 at the M aiandros Traditional Café\; Restaurant\,\nAthens\,( http://www.maian dros.com.gr/). \nThere\nis no entrance fee but kindly reply by the 22nd\nJ anuary 2018 to the Secretary Officer Dr. Theodoros Pappas at greecesec@ime chenearyou.org\,\nto reserve your participation.\nWe look forward\nto a po sitive confirmation\, an honor for us indeed. \n \;\nYours Faithfully\ ,\nDr. Theodoros Pappas\nCEng MIMechE\nSecretary Officer Greece\nGroup\nEm ail: greecesec@imechenearyou.org\n\n\nContact Details: Dr Theodoros Pappas CEng MIMechE\nAddress: Greece.\n\n Alternative Contact: Chronis Panagioti dis Eur Ing CEng MIMechE \nAddress: Greece. DTEND:20180126T230000 DTSTAMP:20231025T085328Z DTSTART:20180126T190000 LOCATION:Maiandros Traditional Greek Coffee Restaurant\, Adrianou 47 Str\, Monastiraki\, Athens\, 105 55\, Greece SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:New Year’s Members Event Invitation UID:bd4193d6-7f26-4f8d-9056-3062cd294f4a END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR