开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - The Future of Space: Ireland’s role\n\nEvent T ype: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Aerospace Industries\n\nSpeak D etails: There will be three speakers\nJoe Thompson\, from EIRSAT-1 which i s Irelands First Satellite and \nConor Sheehan who is Enterprise Irelands representative at Horizon 2020 Space Research and \nDr. Norah Patten\, who hopes to become Ireland’s first ever astronaut.\n\nDescription : With mor e money than ever being invested into space by governments and private spa ce companies\, this is one of the most revolutionary periods for aerospace technology since the 60&rsquo\;s. With costs reducing annually\, getting to space has never been more accessible. Between Dr. Norah Patten\, UCD&rs quo\;s EIRSAT-1 and collaborations between Enterprise Ireland and the ESA\ , exciting times lay ahead in Irelands future with the space industry.\nDr . Norah Patten\, on course to become Ireland&rsquo\;s first ever astronaut \, will discuss her passion for space and what ignited her desire to pursu e a career in the space industry. She will discuss her education and train ing so far and the final steps to eventually make it into space. She is al so focused on passing on her passion to children with her most recent educ ational product\, Planet Zebunar.\nConfirmed by the ESA earlier this year\ , EIRSAT-1 will be Irelands first satellite to orbit the Earth. Short for\ , Educational Research Satellite-1\, the goal of this cube satellite is to provide adequate training for undergraduate and graduates in satellite de velopment and inspire the next generation of students to pick STEM subject s. \;\nConor Sheehan will explain how Enterprise Ireland Role with ESA through the Sentinel 5P. After signing a deal to gain access to the Senti nel 5p satellite that provides almost real-time Earth monitoring\, we will look at what this means for Ireland and our closer collaborations with th e ESA and an ever-increasing investment in space. There will be time for a Q&\;A minutes at the end.\n \;\n\nContact Details: Fiach Byrne\nAd dress: Ireland.\n\n Alternative Contact: Colin Keogh DTEND:20180131T203000 DTSTAMP:20230627T092004Z DTSTART:20180131T190000 LOCATION:Engineers Ireland Headquarters\, 22 Clyde Road\, Ballsbridge\, Dub lin 4\, Dublin\, D04 R3N2\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:The Future of Space: Ireland’s role UID:dec318c7-a63c-4c6c-8b18-473067f8a228 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR