开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Workshop on Freelancing\n\nEvent Type: Worksho p\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n& nbsp\;\n \;\nIMechE UET Taxila Progress Report 2017-2018\n \;\n&nb sp\;\n \;\nUET Taxila:\n \;\nUniversity of Engineering &\; Tech nology Taxila is one of the eminent engineering institutes of Pakistan. It offers various engineering programs for undergraduate students. It provid es an optimized environment for all the students to flourish equally and e xcel in their respective fields\n \;\nIMechE UET Taxila:\n \;\nIns titution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)\, UET Taxila is the 1st student chapter in Public Sector in Pakistan and\, an IMechE UK-affiliated student chapter. It is in operation since June 2013 and its basic motto is &ldquo \;Improving the World through Engineering&rdquo\;. It is focused to develo p and polish the engineering skills and also provides leadership and techn ical expertise for the students of Mechanical Engineering Department. It h as conducted several events (seminars\, workshops\, industrial tours) in t he past and has also planned to organize many events in near future.\n&nbs p\;\nWorkshop on Freelancing:\n \;\nFreelancing is one of the biggest trends in employment today and is trending to become even bigger still. Th e term 'freelance' has been in existence since the 17th century. It was us ed to denote that the mercenary's lance or spear wasn't meant to only serv ice their Lord\; they could also service anyone who was willing to pay.\n& nbsp\;\nIMechE student chapter at UET Taxila successfully organized a work shop on freelancing exclusively for its members on 18th of October 2017.Th e students were\n\n\n\n\n \;\nbriefed by the common websites that are used for freelancing. As everyone wants to earn some money as a student so every student was very interested in the workshop.\n \;\nWebsites cov ered in Workshop:\n \;\nAs there are many websites regarding freelanci ng but most important websites were covered in this workshop. These are as follows\n\n Fiverr\n Upwork\n Peopleperhour\n Guru\n Pres toexperts\n\n \;\nSoftwares Covered In Workshop:\n \;\nThere are m any softwares that we use in daily life. Some softwares can also be using for earning. In this workshop following softwares were covered regarding f reelancing.\n\n Camstudio\n Jing\n Audacity\n Turtin(online so ftware)\n\n \;\nLearning Websites:\n \;\nSome people think that we cannot be a freelancer without having a good skill but it is a wrong pers pective. There exist a lot of learning websites from which we can get prof essional skills. Following Learning websites were covered in this workshop \n\n Lynda\n W3schools\n Learnsolidworks\n Dassaultsystems\n Youtube\n\n\n \;\nBenefits :\n \;\nThis workshop was very helpfu l for the students. It urged students to improve their skills on internet. Methods of dealing were also introduced in this workshop to improve the d ealing skills of the students. For mechanical engineers it is necessary to learn modeling softwares\, that is why websites related to learning tutor ials for different softwares were also introduced which helped the student s a lot.\n\n\nContact Details: \n\n Alternative Contact: Gohar Shoukat\nTe lephone: +92 300 474 3384 \nAddress: Pakistan. DTEND:20171018T170000 DTSTAMP:20230820T091926Z DTSTART:20171018T090000 LOCATION:UET Taxila\, Pakistan\, UET Link Road\, Taxila\, Rawalpindi\, Punj ab 47080\, Pakistan\, Taxila\, 47080\, Pakistan SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Workshop on Freelancing UID:1d2abc3a-3aaf-46ee-a5b4-0c95f015d1b6 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR