开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2017/8 Annual Meeting and Lecture\n\nEvent Typ e: Annual dinner or luncheon\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Det ails: John White and Phil Apperly\n\nDescription : "50 years in ten minute s&hellip\;Career memories\, lessons: Show &\; Tell"\n\nJohn served a Ma rine Engineering Apprenticeship and later worked as a Senior Project\nEngi neer in the Power and oil Industries. Coming to Canada in 1976. He worked in\nthe Power Generation manufacturing industry\, later joining Ontario Po wer Generation\nat their Pickering Nuclear Generating Station till his ret irement in 2007. Since then\nhas been an independent consultant.\n\n\nPhil did an apprenticeship in the weighing\, filling and\npackaging machinery industry and in turn worked in\nautomotive\, foundry\, automotive (electri c and hybrid)\, and\naircraft industries before coming to Canada in 1982 a nd doing another 25+ years in\naerospace and robotics. Since retiring he h as been called back three times to work on\nShuttle and Space Station proj ects. \n\nOur members are involved in resource extraction\, transportation \, Power generation and distribution\,\naerospace\, medicine\, manufacturi ng and material science\, Information Technology\, agriculture\, the milit ary\nand automation- you name it- we&rsquo\;re there. This is an evening t o celebrate this diversity\n\nContact Details: Peter Dennis\nAddress: Cana da. DTEND:20180323T213000 DTSTAMP:20230804T104733Z DTSTART:20180323T180000 LOCATION:Novotel Toronto North York\, 3 Park Home Avenue\, North York\, Ont ario\, M2N 6L3\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2017/8 Annual Meeting and Lecture UID:205a2484-f9e3-4f21-b3fe-b05dc37f2f5f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR