开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - 2017 Festive Dinner and Lecture\n\nEvent Type: Annual dinner or luncheon\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Detai ls: Kayyoum Ali is a Senior Project Manager at MorrisonHershfield wit h over 35 years’ experience in project management\, design and construct ion.\n\nDescription : The Future of Intelligent Transportation Systems\n\n The main goals of Intelligent Transportation Systems (a term coined over t wo decades ago) are to reduce traffic \; congestion\, pollution levels \, and to control the number of road accidents. \; \;\nIt is appli ed to commercial\, public and private transportation\; supplying informati on and applying controls using existing \; infrastructure and systems as well as overseeing the introduction of new sensors\, communication chan nels and \; interfaces\, and improved data collection and processing\, enabling higher traffic volumes on existing roads. \; \;\n\nFest ive flyer Dec 8 2017\n\nContact Details: Peter Dennis\nAddress: Canada. DTEND:20171208T213000 DTSTAMP:20230819T184913Z DTSTART:20171208T183000 LOCATION:Novotel Toronto North York\, 3 Park Home Avenue\, North York\, Ont ario\, M2N 6L3\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:2017 Festive Dinner and Lecture UID:84d33410-72ad-4487-96f0-e7a246fbc2bf END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR