开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - A Railway History of Niagara‐on‐the‐Lake\n\nEv ent Type: Technical lecture\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Deta ils: Peter Mulcaster PEng\, CEng\, FIMechE\n\nDescription : Niagara-on-the -Lake is known for its picturesque setting at the mouth of the Niagara Riv er\, its\nhistoric fort and buildings\, theatre and the surrounding vinicu lture industry. Thus\, it seems\nunlikely that it was ever a railway town\ , however\, in earlier times\, the town was served by two\nrailways\, one steam\, the other electric both running through the centre of the town. To day\,\nvirtually nothing can be seen of the remains of the railway infrast ructure. The talk will explore\nthe origins of the railway dating back to 1839 and the resulting economic and strategic benefits\nit had for travel\ , tourism\, industry\, agriculture and the military up until its closure i n 1959.\nOthers topics such as railway safety\, construction and equipment will be included and the talk\nwill utilize period maps and black and whi te photographs. \n\nNOTL rail October 19 2017 flyer\n\nContact Details: Pe ter Dennis\nAddress: Canada. DTEND:20171019T213000 DTSTAMP:20230522T164037Z DTSTART:20171019T183000 LOCATION:Novotel Toronto North York\, 3 Park Home Avenue\, North York\, Ont ario\, M2N 6L3\, Canada SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:A Railway History of Niagara‐on‐the‐Lake UID:ed6e71cc-044e-4cd3-82dd-d6ca63ddccfc END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR