BEGIN:VCALENDAR方法:发布BEGIN:VEVENT描述:Near You Event -第9届年会\,意大利组和SOFE竞赛\n\nEvent类型:委员会会议或AGM\n\n行业部门:跨部门\n\n发言详细信息:\n\n说明:年会议程\n10:00&nb sp\;\;到达和咖啡\;\n\n\n10:30 \;\n\n结束年度活动\;\;\;\;集团主席\,Daniel F antoni \;\n\n财务报告\;\;\;\;\;& \盼; \; \; \; \; \;Treasurer\, Adrian Parker&nb sp\;\n\nObjectives for coming year \; Group Chairman\, Daniel Fantoni \;\n\nElections for Committee \; \; \; Hon Sec\, Adria n Parker \;\n\nNext years&rsquo\; events \; \; \; \;&n bsp\; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \;\n\nCommittee open discussion \; IMechE Special Meeting\n\nAOB \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; \; (Please advise be forehand) \;\n\n\n13:00 \; \;Lunch for attendees\, offered by IMechE \;\n\n\n15:00 \; \;SOFE\n\nThe competition is specifi cally concerned with verbal and visual communication in describing and exp laining technical subjects. \; It is also designed to promote interest in the art of communication.\n\n\nParticipants can be any Young member (a ny member registered for 10 years or less). \; \nFor info and to parti cipate contact \;Michele Angelo Cecchi \;italyymrep@imechenearyou. org\n\n\n18:00 \; \;Close \;(depending on number of SOFE entr ies) \;\n\nNominations for the Committee and Offices of the Committee\ n\nAll IMechE members in Italy can Volunteer themselves or nominate other members for election to the committee and to committee posts\, and take pa rt in the meeting and in the voting. \;\n\nThe closing year&rsquo\;s c ommittee is: \;\n\nChairman - Daniel Fantoni\nVice Chairman - Silvano Asnaghi\nHon Secretary &\; Treasurer &ndash\; Adrian Parker\nCommittee Member &ndash\; Paul Gallagher\nCommittee Member &ndash\; Giulio Malinvern o\nYoung Member Officer &ndash\; Michele Angelo Cecchi\nAffiliate Officer &ndash\; Michele Puopolo\nAll positions are open for nominations\, in part icular: \;\n\nChairman \;\nVice-chairman \;\nHon Secretary&nbs p\;\nTreasurer \;\n8 Committee Members \;\n\nPlease submit your vo lunteering or nominations by May 20th 2018 and indicate \;\nyour inten tion to participate in the AGM (in person/remote web conferencing) to \;Daniel Fantoni \;\n\nContact Details: Da niel Fantoni\nTelephone: +39 3355445171\nAddress: Torino\, Italy.\n\n Alte rnative Contact: Silvano Asnaghi\nAddress: Gorgonzola (MI)\, Italy. DTEND:20180603T180000 DTSTAMP:20230322T003036Z DTSTART:20180603T100000 LOCATION:Gorgonzola\, Via per Cascina Rafredo\, 27\, Gorgonzola (MI) \, 200 64\, Italy SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:9th Annual Meeting\, Italy Group and SOFE competition UID:3dcd3fd7-1faa-4f13-9952-73113c6fd634 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR