开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IMC Conference at DIT Bolton St\n\nEvent Type: Conference\n\nIndustry Sector: Manufacturing\n\nSpeak Details: Barry Kenn edy . Irish Manufacturing Research\nDenis Dowling\, UCD - iForm\nFergal O’ Brien\, Director of Policy IBEC – Importance of Manufacturing to Ireland\n Shane Loughlin\, SL Controls – Industry 4.0\nPhilip Gillic\, Dromone Engin eering – Lean Journey\nRichard Keegan- Enterprise Ireland\n\nDescription : Presentations will focus on state of the art manufacturing technologies a nd innovations. \nManufacturing Innovation \;\n \; \; \;&n bsp\;Industry 4.0: The Digital Factory and Manufacturing Connectivity \;\n \; \; \; \;Medical Device Design and Manufacture \;\n \; \; \; \;Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing \;\n&n bsp\; \; \; \;Computer Control &\; Automation \;\n \; \; \; \;Embedded Systems in Manufacturing \;\n \;&n bsp\; \; \;Precision Machine Tool Design \;\n \; \;&nb sp\; \;Additive Manufacturing / 3D Printing \; \;\nThe Design Process \;\n \; \; \; \;Design Thinking and Engineerin g Decision-making \;\n \; \; \; \;Product Design \ ;\n \; \; \; \;Manufacturing Management \;\n \;&nb sp\; \; \;Life Cycle Engineering \;\n \; \; \;&nbs p\;Energy &\; Resource Management \;\nManufacturing Education \ ;\n \; \; \; \;The Learning Factory \;\n \; \; \; \;Engineering Skills and Talent for the Future \;\n \; \; \; \;Apprenticeship\nUndergraduate and Postgraduate Manufa cturing Engineering Project Showcase\nPosters will be on display throughou t the conference and attendees will be given the opportunity to vote for t he best submission. \;Students will be given the opportunity to pitch their work to attendees and network with potential employers in the academ ic and industrial domains.\nConference Dinner\nIMC35 will also be hosting a post conference meal at Blas beside DIT Bolton Street from 17:00.\n\nTic kets can be purchased via the following link\nIMC Conference Ticket Purcha se\n\nContact Details: Robert Simpson\nAddress: Dublin 1\, Ireland. DTEND:20180620T220000 DTSTAMP:20230627T052617Z DTSTART:20180620T090000 LOCATION:Room 259\, DIT\, Bolton St\, Dublin Institute of Technology\, Bolt on St\, Dublin 1\, D01 K822\, Ireland SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IMC Conference at DIT Bolton St UID:7600dd9a-798a-4f92-9a20-5271e5a90c49 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR