开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - IMechE Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE) 2018\n \nEvent Type: Competition event\n\nIndustry Sector: Cross-sector\n\nSpeak Details: \n\nDescription : \n \n \n Enter the IMechE Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE) to compete for cash prizes!\n IMechE SOFE is a competition designed to help develop verbal and visual co mmunication skills in explaining technical mechanical engineering related topics. If you are already a confident public speaker then the competition is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate your talent!\n Who can enter?\n The competition is open to any Affiliate\, Associate or Young Member of the Institution who has been professionally registered for ten years or less.\n What can be presented?\n Co mpetitors must give an oral presentation on a mechanical engineering relat ed subject of their choosing. Presentation slides\, materials or props can be used to support the presentation.\n What do competitors hav e to do?\n If you would like to enter the competition\, please prepare a maximum 200-word summary of your presentation and send it to nsw aleschair@imechenearyou.org by Friday 20 July 2018.\n The best entries will be selected for the competition\, which will be held on the e vening of Thursday 16 August 2018 at the Engineers Australia Sydney Office in Chatswood. \n Selected competitors will have a total of 20 minutes for their presentation and a total of 10 minutes for discussion an d questions from the audience and judges.\n The panel of judges from the engineering industry will select a winner on the night who will then go forward to a Regional Final in October (location to be confirmed) for a chance to then compete in the Global Final which will be held in Ind ia in early 2019.\n Prizes\n NSW competition winners will receive:\n \n 1stprize: £\;300 (appro ximately AU$500) and certificate\n 2ndprize: £\;200 (a pproximately AU$350) and certificate\n \n Please use the link below for more information on SOFE:\n \;\n //www.pedrorafa.com/get-involved/young-members-network/speak-out- for-engineering\n \n \n Please note these two important dates and enrolment mehod:\n 1. Presentation sum mary submit for selection on or before Friday 20 July 2018 23:59 to \; nswaleschair@imechenearyou.org\n 2. Local competition evening f or selected competitors Thursday 16 August 2018\n \;\n \n \n \n\n\nContact Details: Neil Moriarty\nAddress: Syd ney\, Australia.\n\n Alternative Contact: David Wong DTEND:20180816T210000 DTSTAMP:20231024T102746Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20180702 LOCATION:*TBC\, (Location will be provided soon)\, United Kingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:IMechE Speak Out for Engineering (SOFE) 2018 UID:8fad5f87-f498-4fa6-838d-ec37aed57e16 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR