开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:Near You Event - Inter-Professional Networking Event 2018\n\nEv ent Type: Social event\n\nIndustry Sector: Other Industries / Sectors\n\nS peak Details: \n\nDescription : Connect with professionals from the follow ing nine different institutions in a fun and informal environment\; \; \nInstitute of Acoustics (IOA)\, Institute of Structural Engineers (IStruc tE)\, Landscape Institute (LI)\, Chartered Institution of Building Service s Engineers (CIBSE)\, Institute of Fire Engineers (IFE)\, \;Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)\, Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmen t Management (CIEEM)\, Institute of Environmental Management and Assessmen t.\n\n\nPlease click here to register: \;https://www.ioa.org.uk/civicr m/event/info?reset=1&\;id=378\n\nIn addition\, we are offering 15 minut e sessions for peer-reviewing of CVs. These will be pre-bookable via Event brite\, the link will be provided in your registration confirmation email. \n\nAn ice-breaker activity will kick off the evening\, with drinks and ni bbles provided throughout.\nThe event is sponsored by the participating pr ofessional bodies and is therefore charged at £\;5 for attendees.\n\n 2018 Inter-Professional Networking\n\nContact Details: Helen Dryden\nAddre ss: United Kingdom.\n\n Alternative Contact: Alexios Koltsidoupoulos-Papat zimos\nAddress: United Kingdom. DTEND:20180814T213000 DTSTAMP:20230820T092800Z DTSTART:20180814T183000 LOCATION:Patch St Paul's\, 58-60 Carter Lane\, London\, EC4V 5EA\, United K ingdom SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:Inter-Professional Networking Event 2018 UID:c9106ed8-10eb-4a1b-ba09-d71a459eda7f END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR