开始:VCALENDAR方法:发布开始:VEVENT描述:您附近的活动- ---取消-为工程\,汉堡\n\ Event类型:竞赛活动\n\n行业部门:研究与开发\n\n发言详细信息:参赛者包://www.pedrorafa.com/docs/default -source/sofe/ soft - entrants-infopack-2018.pdf ?manbetx体育注册sfvrsn=2\n\n页面底部的入口应用程序申请表格://www.pedrorafa.com/get-involv /young-membermanbetx体育注册s-network/speak-out-for-engineering\n\n描述:\n\n\n \n你正在寻找机会发展你的演讲技巧吗?你是一位才华横溢的公众演说家,正在寻找新的挑战吗?\n\n“为工程学发声”是一项旨在帮助发展在解释机械工程相关学科时的语言和视觉交流的比赛。无论如何,如果你已经是一个有天赋的演说家,那么比赛就是你展示你的技能的机会!谁可以参加本次比赛,任何会员、准会员或青年会员都可以参加,只要他们的专业注册时间不超过十年。参赛选手须就机械工程相关主题作口头报告。演示幻灯片、材料或道具可以用来支持演示。参赛者需要准备一份最多200字的书面报告摘要,在通知参赛意向时寄给主办方。未能提交摘要可能导致参赛无效。演示必须由个人完成,无论主题是否属于团队技术项目的一部分。评委们会期望更有经验的参赛者有成熟的演讲技巧,他们的评分也会反映这一点。 A winning entry in any yea r is not eligible for entry in subsequent years.\nCompetitors must give an oral presentation on a mechanical engineering subject to be broken down a s follows:\n\n Presentation length: 20 mins\n Discussion and questio ns from judges: 10 mins\n\n90% of the total marks are given for presentati on with only 10% for technical content. This ensures that\, while all pres entations must have mechanical engineering content in its broadest sense ( e.g. purpose\, research\, design\, feasibility\, and practicality)\, all p resentations have the same chance of success despite varying degrees of te chnical content. The decision of the judges on the award of the prizes sha ll be final and no correspondence can be entered into.\nPrizes\nCompetitio n winners will receive:\n\n 1st \;prize: £\;300 and certificat e\n 2nd \;prize: £\;200 and certificate\n\nThe event organiser will contact the winner and runner up in order to arrange the receipt of prizes.\nAfter the event there will be a social event with some contributi on from the IMechE for refreshments.\n\nPlease note that the applications must be received latest 6th September 2018. Please send your completed app lication form to germanyymrep@imechenearyou.org\n\nEntrant pack: https://w ww.imeche.org/docs/default-source/sofe/sofe-entrants-information-pack-2018 .pdf?sfvrsn=2\n\nEntry application form at the bottom of the page: https:/ /www.pedrorafa.com/get-involved/young-members-network/speak-out-for-engineeri ng\n\nContact Details: Adam Lord\nAddress: Germany. DTEND:20180914T173000 DTSTAMP:20230522T175641Z DTSTART:20180914T153000 LOCATION:Amsinck str. 2-10\, Amsinck str. 2-10\, A&O Hostel\, Meeting room: Landungsbrucken\, Hamburg\, 20097\, Germany SEQUENCE:0 SUMMARY:---CANCELLED---Speak Out for Engineering\, Hamburg UID:d5b7552a-a308-4a0f-ab2e-6b93909efb31 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR